Thank you for your interest in legislation in Texas that would limit non-medical switching, a practice used by health plans that kicks Texans off much-needed, and previously-covered, prescription medications for no medical reason. Patients and doctors in Texas are supporting legislation to stop non-medical switching. Read from Dr. Jaya Kala, a physician from Houston, about her professional and personal experience and why she supports legislation to end non-medical switching: Insurers Must Prioritize Patients Over Profits
Non-medical switching of medicines can cause adverse reactions, side effects, or complete loss of response to medication treatment. This can lead to disease progression, reduced functional capabilities and a lower quality of life for patients. In fact, according to one study, within six months of a non-medical switch, rheumatoid arthritis patients incurred 42-percent more emergency room visits and 12-percent more outpatient visits.
If enacted, HB 1646 and SB 1142 would prevent health plans from implementing the following tactics on enrollees that continue to be prescribed a currently covered drug:
- Removing a drug from a formulary
- Adding a requirement that an enrollee receive prior authorization for a drug
- Impose or alter a quantity limit for a drug
- Move a drug to a higher cost-sharing tier
We need your help to spread the word about this legislation to protect patients in Texas. Please indicate if you would be willing to do any of the following: